Results Snippets "" A week before the planned increase in fuel prices, continued denial action. Not only speeches, acts of resistance from various walks of life also began to develop.
As happened in Solo, Central Java, Monday (26/3). A number of walks of life rallied rejected the planned increase in fuel prices. They put up signs that read "Fuel Up, Down SBY". SBY is the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
In its action, the mass goes into Bundara Gladag. They bring a lot of posters that contain only one sentence: Fuel Up, Down SBY. Content of the poster to be the only demand of the protesters. No one policeman escorting the action.
Action coordinator Saptono Bambang said the action was performed intentionally to intercept the flow of traffic without any fuel or tires. Action was held according to the direction of President Yudhoyono to continue to hold a decent demo. To Bambang, the president backed the demands of an absolute demand when fuel forced up in early April.
Rejection of the action and then ends with prayer. Massa hopes that the planned increase in fuel aborted so as not to upset the community.
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